Click interaction wasn't working – removing unused styles and reloading Designer deleted interaction

Another Bug.
I had click event in image 1. I spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure why
every time I clicked the element - NOTHING HAPPENED.

After a while - I removed all unused classed and exited / reloaded the Designer…
reselected the element with the issue - AND THERE IS NOTHING IN THE CLICK EVENT.

I didn’t delete it. It literally - simply - DISAPPEARED.

I believe this POST may have had a similar issue


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @Revolution

Thanks for posting about this interaction issue. For future posts, please ensure you add a title that includes a brief description and location of the issue per the Bug Category Posting Guidelines. I’ve gone ahead and updated the title of your post to match this issue.

I built a new click trigger interaction using Legacy interactions according to your screenshots (thanks for providing those), and the interaction worked as expected. Clicking the button set the affected element to display: none.

As I’m not able to reproduce this, I’m thinking there may be other variables around the interaction causing the issue. Are there any other details here? For example, was any part of the build nested inside of a symbol (or any other important details like this)? Can you please provide a Read-Only link?

​Thanks in advance, and I’m standing by for your reply.

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