Check out my health care website built using webflow

Hi guys, a backend web developer here. Webflow is pretty awesome as it greatly improves the speed of front end website development by providing a visual builder and taking care of the responsive layout in various screen sizes.

Check out the website I built for a heath care company here:

Recommend beginners to go through the tutorials here: Very well organised and easy to understand.


Looks great! Other than some inconsistent rounding of corners in the nav links it’s clean and pleasing to the eye.

I really like it @Zean! When you are on the page Pricing and you scroll down, a menu appears on top of the content. How did you manage to do that in webflow? Cheers!

looks good… when size down to tablet to phone you need to fix the main menu and the full screen hero image as it does not size down at the break points…

good job

Nice work @Zean! As @phi36nine mentioned, the main nav menu and hero image don’t work as well at smaller screen sizes, but other than that, sweet site!