I have a question about cost of website build. I am building my first website for my marketing company. It is rather large for a newbie and my first project, but I’m proud of it as it’s pretty nice for a beginner. I need to add background images and videos as seen in my header area.
Overall, Adjusting my content to mobile versions I believe will be a huge learning curve that I may not have time for as I have done some preliminary work with it. My question: Would a freelancer charge less if I already have my initial design down as opposed to having them start me a site from scratch? I am very contempt with them altering my design to take the workload off, and in the future partner back up with them to make it even more powerful. Hope my question is clear, thanks for any input. The site: https://mobile-dollar-2.webflow.io/ …
P.S. Buttons work and further sites are created in desktop, disabled for this question only.
From what I’m seeing your site doesn’t have a lot of pages, and the responsive needs will be mostly satisfied by some good wrapping and sizing adjustments, and use of grids.
You can probably get basic mobile responsiveness for a few hundred and a good polish overall for double that. Depends entirely on who you work with and what your end goals are.
you can invest your time and money to learn to become a web developer and designer
you invest your money and let professionals create business website for you.
The critical thinking which way to go is a crucial for you as you do not creating a personal profile to be hired but you are creating website that should generate income.
From what I see it will be better if you let developer to do everything from ground up.
Because you have rise this question I presume you have a low budget. That’s totally fine. Each developer charging different rates so the price can differ hugely.
First advice: do not use devs on let say fiver that advertise to do full website for 100 bucks if you are serious about your business.
Second advice: look around how website for this niche are designed what they contain and than think what to do to differentiate. When it comes to design ideas there are a few sites like this
to get an inspirations to save some money on design.
Third advice: If you are not a developer don’t do this kind of website on your own as creating a website is more than pushing rectangles over the screen.