Change Color Facebook Like Text?

I have my Facebook Like component on a black background. I am trying to use the “Standard” button layout but the text is invisible on the black background. Is there any way to change the text color here? I have tried cascading the text color from parent elements and changing the text color directly on the component itself without any luck.

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Hello @Digital_Precision

Can you share your read-only link?

Piter :webflow_heart:

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So you need to change the color scheme of the button. The facebook documentation says that you need to add the following attribute > data-colorscheme=“dark” , but I can’t find it in the Webflow designer settings. One way is to use an embed and get the button from here > Like Button - Social Plugins - Documentation - Meta for Developers

Or try adding this to your custom code head area

span#u_0_2 {
 color: #ffffff;

Maybe not the best solution, but try it out. I will use the facebook button and not the Webflow one.

Piter :webflow_heart: