Change background image on mobile version

Hello all!

I am new to Webflow and am trying to figure out how to change the background image of a DIV that is presented when the site goes from tablet to mobile size.

I have already changed the video that plays in the background on PC and tablet size, but the background changes to a default image once the screen size goes to mobile and I can’t figure out where that setting is.

Thank you in advance,

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Share your read only link

I did. It’s on the LINK button.

My bad. What exactly are you looking to do here?

So when you resize the site to the mobile version it changes the background video to a static image of hills in the background. I’d like to change that background image to something else.

Also, thank you for responding and thanks in advance for your help!

The “Hero Div Video” has a background image, change that

Ahh! I see that now! Thank you so much! I was going crazy trying to find that. lol I really appreciate it!

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