Can't see navbar image in the preview?

Hi everyone!

I went to preview my website and noticed for some reason my logo isn’t appearing in the preview? Anyone know how I can try to fix or if its a website bug?

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Danielle's Portfolio

Seems you’re using a background image in your brand element. BG image doesn’t give a diension to its parent element. hence the fat border you see around this element in the designer, it says "hey see my border? I don’t have dimension, I will shrink to 0px when previewed and be invisible.

So either give dimensions to it or use an image inside of it instead of a bg image.

@vincent thank you! Working now

I think its because of the dimensions you gave to the logo. Do you know who to increase the site of the header like this ? And put all the navigations in the center?