Can't Remove Space from Dynamic Rich Text

How can I remove extra blank space that is showing under the Dynamic Rich Text element?

I would appreciate your help!

Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi Luka,

By “dynamic” do you mean “CMS-bound”?
The easy way is-

  • Duplicate your rich text block (RTB)
  • Unlink the second version. Now you have two with the same class, side by side
  • Now select the element you want to style, probably a paragraph in your case
  • Identify where your padding problem is coming from, or style it specially within the RTB.
  • You’ll see the same changes occur to your CMS-bound RTB so you can get the styling you want just right
  • When you’re done, delete the temporary RTB

This might help-

Thank you! I solved it after a bit of trial.

I appreciate you arriving with a response so quickly.

Solution: I made a copy of a rich text element and unliked it, just like you suggested. I found that the rich text is comprised of all bunch of individual H1 H2 and paragraph (and other) elements, that make the rich text - rich text. The problem was 2.3 REM spacing at the bottom margin of the paragraph. I removed it in the unlinked copy of a rich text, and it reflected on the dynamic rich text element.
