Can't get a cloneable custom code to work

Hello there,

I’m trying to learn about Webflow and I’ve got issues pointing out why a project I’ve copied from a clone does not work as intended.

The cloneable project works fine (text highlight while scrolling), but as soon as I copy everything on a blank new project, it doesn’t work and I can’t figure out what I’m missing.

I went to inspect both pages and I noticed a class that has not been copied over but I don’t even know where is the class from in the begining.

Working project (clone) :
<h2 class="split-lines"><div class="line" style="display: block; text-align: start; width: 100%;"><div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">We</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">craft</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">authentic</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">creative</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">solutions,</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">with</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">a</div><div class="line-mask" style="width: 0%;"></div></div><div class="line" style="display: block; text-align: start; width: 100%;"><div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">core</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">mission</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">in</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">building</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">strong</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">and</div><div class="line-mask" style="width: 0%;"></div></div><div class="line" style="display: block; text-align: start; width: 100%;"><div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">provocative</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">relationships</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">between</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">brands</div><div class="line-mask" style="width: 63.1482%;"></div></div><div class="line" style="display: block; text-align: start; width: 100%;"><div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">and</div> <div class="word" style="display: inline-block;">customers</div><div class="line-mask" style="width: 99.9463%;"></div></div></h2>

Not working project (copy from clone) :

<h1 class="split-lines">We craft authentic creative solutions, with a core mission in building strong and provocative relationships between brands and customers</h1>

Here is my site Read-Only:

Here is the working clone :

Any help appreciated.

Hey I can’t go to the project settings from the preview link, but it seems like you haven’t copied the code to the page, try adding that & it should work!


Oh wow, I had absolutely no knowledge about this setting. I knew I was missing something big somewhere, I’m so glad you pointed this out to me. Thank you so much !

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No problem! Happy to help :slight_smile:

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