[Can't CHANGE LINK COLOR] Nav Links on Current Page


For some reason, I cannot change the {CURRENT} page Nav Link to White or a Neutral to indicate I’m on that page.

See the image below and READ-ONLY link. Once I visit and page and click the hamburger menu, the CURRENT page is in BLACK and I can’t figure out a way to change it.

Any help? Ideas?

*Note: I’m using some custom code as well, but it should only relate the the Navbar opacity on scroll (I’ve added that code below :point_down:).

Thanks in advance,

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Lonesome Dove - Fort Worth

It’s an unfortunate bug in how Webflow handles the Current style. It often does not appear inside of a component.

Go to the homepage, and scroll to the bottom of the page
Create a link element
Class it navbar_link-large
Set the URL to point to the homepage

Since it’s outside of the component it should show the current state correctly, and you should be able to style it properly.

Once the class is styled how you want, you can delete that temporary link element.

@memetican You’re really saving me. Thanks again!

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