hey.I am trying to connect contact section from semi custom page but 404 error only occur Why? here is my link https://mays-trendy-site-c13155.webflow.io/
It’s unlikely that /Home
is a page, you probably want /#contact
You need to pu the full url with https:// etc … and the ancor at the end
Also you could have problem if the site is multilingual on this kind of link with an ancor… specialy with weglot, if you use native webflow it could be a good idea to double check everything too.
it’s not super good pratice. And maybee on this king of stuff it’s better to use something like a session cookie + javascript to do that.
like : the cleck create a session cookie with value A
On the homepage the script check if session cookie is of value A
the script scroll to section
the script delete the session cookie.
Have fun
thanks it is solved.why /page#section is not working for me
thanks bro for your explanation