Can this be done in Webflow?

Any idea if this can be done in Webflow ?

If you have a scroll wheel on our mouse…
scroll up and down.

Notice that the screen will scroll left / right and some times up / down.

Seems like the sliders are custom coded (not using a separate JS library).

From their js file:

function Slider(t) {
    var e = this;
    this.ctrls = t.find(".slider-ctrl a"), this.items = t.find(".slider-item"), = t.find(".slider-car"), this.current = 0, $('<a href="#" class="slider-left"></a>').appendTo(t).click(function() {
        return e.prev(), !1
    }), $('<a href="#" class="slider-right"></a>').appendTo(t).click(function() {
        return, !1
    }), {
        return e.set(parseInt($(this).attr("data-id"))), !1
    }), this.set(0)

function Slider2(t) {
    this.ctrl = t.find(".slider2-ctrl a"), this.items = t.find(".slider2-item");
    var e = this; {
        return e.set($(this).prevAll().length), !1
    }), this.current = -1, this.set(0)

You might be able to use GitHub - alvarotrigo/fullPage.js: fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple, as it has an option for scrollHorizontally using mouse wheel.

scrollHorizontally: (default false) Extension of fullpage.js. Defines whether to slide horizontally within sliders by using the mouse wheel or trackpad. Ideal for story telling`. Requires fullpage.js >= 2.8.3.

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