Can I embed hyperlinks on images? check out my new site!

Looking to put a hyperlink to the home page on the Tracer Group logo image.

Please check out my new website, designed and hosted on Webflow. Very Very Very basic amateur designer here. If anyone has a cool suggestion or something, please let me know. I’m a small business owner who can’t afford to have a site professionally developed yet. I’m amazed at this technology!


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Hey nice start there @Neal_Gregory!

Regarding your question, you can first drag out a link block from the object palette, then drag your logo image and put it inside the link block… then you an assign a link to the link block to your home page. Basically anything in a Link Block will be linked to the link you set in the settings for the Link Block.

Let me know if you have any issues doing that, I am happy to provide an example…


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I just wanted to point that your site is WAY to big. It’s 7.5MB big and needs about 15s to be ready on standard connection.

Huge issue are following:

Network Security image - 4.9MB
Security Bubble image - 1.1MB
Artsy Pi image - 566KB

These are the main issues you should take care of. You can always ask freelancers on forum here to help you with final optimization of both images and code.
