Button Not Working on Published Site

We are getting an error when our site has published the button in the hero section that reads “Order Title” which isn’t working. I think it is due to an overlapping element but I can’t identify which one it is. Any thoughts out there on how I can fix it?

Thank you!

Here is my site Read-Only: [[LINK]](Webflow - Ohana Title))
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi Trey,

just checked your project. It happens that you have an element with this class: header-container. It has a z-index: -1, which basically means, it’s behind the background (you can see it, as the background is transparent). Once you change the z-index to something >=0 or remove it at all, the problem should be gone : )

By the way, in Webnomads, we are running a live Webflow Support, so if you have any further problems, feel free to reach us here Webnomads - Special Forces


Awesome! That worked! Thank you so much.

  • Trey