Button inside mobile menu

Hey folks - I am hoping to get some help on what I assume is very simple (I’ve just yet to figure out how to do it!)…

On my desktop nav bar, I have my usual menu links, but on the far right I have a button for my main call to action so it stands out.

However, when I go to the tablet/mobile menus, and click on the hamburger icon to get the dropdown menu, only my normal menu links appear, not the button showing on dekstop.

I really want the button to also show in the mobile menu.

Any advice on how to do this?

2022-05-29 16_00_43-Webflow - Go Elevate

Can you share a read only link?


Hi @Chris_Godwin ,

You can create a duplicate of this button and drag it inside the mobile Nav Menu and hide the desktop version, here’s a quick demo: Screen Recording 2022-05-31...

Make sure you add a combo class and set the button to display: block (like I forgot to do! :sweat_smile:)

Hope this helps!