Bulk Delete interactions


Got a issue (I have raised a support ticket) - I have literally hundreds of interactions which all appear to have occurred due to webflow creating copies when I duplicate a page. I want to delete all the interactions and start again. Deleting each individual interaction is impossible so slow and would take me forever to do. Does anyone know how I can bulk delete interactions I just want them all gone.

Please help…

Thanks :pray:

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

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Hmmm I think that there’s no way…Having a select button for bulk delete will be awesome! Go to wishlist and check if there’s something similar.

Piter :webflow_heart:

Thanks, I’m stuck then. I wonder if webflow team can do from backend?

btw here’s a wishlist idea > Clean Up unused interactions button | Webflow Wishlist

Thanks, yes I saw that. Trouble is I need them removed now if possible. There are hundreds of duplicates which is so slow to delete individually and slow to publish site :frowning:

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I feel you! Before I familiarized with the new ix and its quirks I also once ended with many copies of interactions before noticing this behavior. I was cursing the damn thing the whole day it took me to remove them. At least I learned to avoid that by careful planning and structuring.

Unfortunatelyeed no other way for now :frowning:

Thanks, lesson learn’t