Build layout help

Hi all.

I wondered if someone would please be able to help me build the following header.

I will attach a screenshot so you can see what I mean.

I’m struggling having the image fixed to the right, then a section underneath.



Hi Ryan,

Can you give me a share link? I will help you with that… or wait … here is the share link :slight_smile:

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Sent you a pm.

Teresa :slight_smile:

Hi Ryan

Please check my PM for more details.


Hey Kossaki, that looks amazing! Thank you very much!

Much appreciated.

Hi Kossaki! With your flex container - you made it a width of 200px. When I have made my flex container the same as yours, I cant seem to set a width of 200 px? It doesn’t let me select a width?

If you have any idea would be much appreciated!


Maybe you have Flex item: expand on your flex-container.

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