Bug - NAN when dragging mouse into field

When I click into a field, and accidently keep the mouse button pressed, it says not a number, it changes the current value of the field and I need to press the undo button three times before it is back to normal.

This is in incognito (support! :angry:) Chrome and happens in every field.

Yes, this happens very often but I don’t think there’s anything we can do about it apart from keeping it in the subconcious :smiley:

Webflow support replies that they cannot replicate the issue…

What device and browser version are you using?

Yup, very annoying ‘feature’. Happens couple of times a week.

Windows 10 , up to date, Chrome latest version 87.0.4280.66 (Officiële build) (64-bits)

Report it to webflow support so they can fix the problem. The more messages they get the faster they will fix it.

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