Breakpoints only for mobile devices?

Hey there,

I have a general questions about breakpoints that seems very simple, but I cannot find the answer I am looking for. I wonder whether it is possible in Webflow to set up the breakpoints for tablet and mobile devices in a way to only become active when the user is actually accessing the site from a tablet or a smartphone. Right now, when I change the browser width on a laptop, the tablet breakpoint becomes active, which I want to avoid. On a 13" Macbook for instance, I already get the tablet version if the browser is extended to about 80% of the screen width.

Thank you for your time and help.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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I hope this gets answered. I am having the same issue. My client has a bunch of people on small desktop/laptop and only a few on tablet and none on phone. I wonder if this would be the same as requesting the ability to customize the breakpoints like Editor X announced recently.