Blue Text Link from CMS Collection Text in Tabs Menu

Does anyone know how to override the default blue text link setting without using a link block? I have a tabs menu that uses text from a CMS Collection in a Rich Text Block. The problem is that if I display a phone number or an e-mail address it generates a blue text link which is not visible because the website has a dark blue background. Also, I noticed that even if a link is not assigned to a phone number, a default blue underlined link is automatically generated when viewed on a tablet or phone.

Here is a Screen Shot of the issue :

Is there a simple answer for this issue?
Please advise.
Thank you,

Published Page Link :

Here is my site Read-Only:

Hello @Sarabeth, you can edit the default blue text and underline on the “All Links” class. 01%20PM
Just select it on any element that has the class All Links. I hope this helps.

Thank you @ Pablo_Cortes ! That worked.

I have tried to edit the “Body All Pages” class and the “All Links” class before, but it did not work as it was overridden by another class in use. An empty link on an incomplete Categories page without a class assigned was used to edit the “All Links” class. That worked best.

“Just select it on any element that has the class All Links.” this statement helped point me in the right direction !

Appreciate the help!

Kind regards,

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Hey @Sarabeth, I’m glad it worked out for you.