Bandwidth usage jumped for no reason


I’ve been running the same site since July this year. Average around 60gb bandwidth monthly. Without changing a thing, we got a major spike in usage. Pushing us to 300gb/month. Traffic has not increased and I havent seen any bots.

Have contacted support but our billing bounced due to the massive price increase. Can any one point me in the right direction to start solving this?

Have compressed all assets and this all looks fine. The webflow .js is about 20mb and loads 330 times a day but not the website traffic to match it.

Contacted support 2 days ago but haven’t heard a peep back.

CONFIRMING - The bandwidth assets are almost identical from the 2 months. Traffic is stable too. I don’t understand what is going on here.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

As a follow up. Every start of day I get an automatic bandwidth usage

It’s not possible to see the source of the traffic without a web application firewall (WAF) which Webflow doesn’t provide. Could be a bot, or someone leeching an asset.

Is Webflow.js at the top of your bandwidth usage report? If so perhaps you activated a feature like interactions or localization, different features change the size of webflow.js

I do an intensive clean, converting everything to AVIF and migrating background video assets off of Webflow hosting. It’s a bunch of work but it makes a big difference. Use the asset list part of the bandwidth report as a guide to which are giving you problems.

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.js has

Thanks for the recommendations.

webflow.js is top of the list and looking at the features, nothing has changed at all.
Have converted what I can to AVIF but doing a comparison between a month of lower usage and the bandwidth is the exact same in the asset lists. We don’t host video on Webflow and our assets are relatively small in size.

The bandwidth numbers also don’t add up to the total bandwidth used.

A jump from 60GB to 300Gb, I don’t see how that could happen with our traffic numbers.

Very odd, Webflow has changed some things in Webflow.js recently, regarding the new Turnstile bot protection for forms. etc. I wonder if it increased the base size.

I have a similar issue on one or two client sites where webflow.js is the #1 cause of bandwidth consumption. I dislike that since we have no control over it.

By the way, make sure yours is minified under site settings, but still… that shouldn’t be such a big problem.

Another strange thing.

If I export the bandwidth usage per asset for the time period. The total is 7.12GB and not 300GB on the chart. Am I missing something on this reporting?

I’d be interested in taking a look if you were ok to invite me. Sounds like an interesting scenario, and it might help me identify what’s happening on a few client sites.

I just did some investigation into Webflow.js and blogged it here- they were some very interesting findings.

Yeah, can you send me your email.

I’ve heard from Webflow but they need to escalate. I’ve noted for 59 visitors the bandwidth usage was 9.31Gb and for 259 visitors the bandwidth usage was 9.51GB.

Something going on there.