Archived items - Can they be automatically posted to another collection page?

I have a page with a “featured blog post,” which is updated approximately once a week. When a new blog post is posted, I archive the previous post. Is there anyway to have the archive post automatically populate an “Blog Archive” collection page that I have created and styled appropriately?

In short, where do archived collection items go when they are archived and is there anyway to automatically post them to another collection page once they are archived?

Thank you!

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi @Spacekat67,

I see your question was never answered! Did you ever figure this out or still need it answered?

If you do, yes you can move blog posts from one collection to another, just by setting a date filter. All you would need to do is style that archived blog post details page however you would like.

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Thank you for the follow-up! I appreciate the information!