Apply a class (team photo) to an image

Hi @AMartin

I’ve looked at your (squished version) and the below is still the case or has reverted:

If you want to use just background images in this case, you need to remove the Team Photo ‘image elements’ entirely (like Chrissy in the above) and copy/paste Amanda’s Team Photo ‘div block’ instead (like you had in today’s initial reply - 3 Amanda ‘div blocks’)

Then in those - duplicate the class to eg ‘Team Photo Chrissy’’ and ‘Team Photo Mayumi’. Now they can have their own individual background image assigned.


Just to note - ideally background images should be used for background/decoration, whereas an image element is to give something context, so ideally use an image element. However in your case you would need to ensure each original image had the same square proportions/dimension, or that you had created the circular effect before uploading them - great explanation here from @vincent Crop images automatically - #2 by vincent )