Annoying small error on a swipe button animation

I built for the first time swipe animation on 2 buttons and I don’t understand why they have a small bug. The cover doesn’t match perfectly and 1px white is still visible.
Screenshot: Screenshot (89)|386x500

Here is my public share link: Webflow - Gilbert Ciobanu
(how to access public share link)

Hi @Lumi_C, thanks for your great post.

I would try to keep the link block and the button cover the same dimension and same border values.

For the link block I would probably use a fixed pixel width that will display on all viewports:

Shared with CloudApp

Then I would suggest to set button cover to same dimension:

Shared with CloudApp

For both link block and button, I would set border to 1 px:

Shared with CloudApp

After those changes, I get the following result:

You might add back in the extra border on one of the links to see how it looks after first checking the alignment.