Animations interfering with hover interaction

Hey folks,

On the homepage of a site I’m building, I have some text highlighted in yellow boxes with a hover interaction (the color gets richer, less opacity). Upon click, the text anchor links down to lower page sections. But that interaction is in a column that’s part of a scroll animation. The column moves from the center to the left as user scrolls.

The hover interactions on the text, as well as the “submit” form button, don’t always work. Sometime when I hover, there’s no effect. I’m assuming the scroll animation is interfering with the hover interaction, but I don’t know much about these things.

Can anyone help debug this situation, so the hover effects reliably occur?

Here’s preview link:

& here’s a published preview version (site is password protected, pw = “swordfish”):

Any help much appreciated, thanks!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Update: Webflow support solved this (thanks!!).

The right-hand column was sometimes overlapping with the left column (where the text & submit button were located). By adding a higher z-index value to the left column, the overlapping no longer interferes with the hover effects or anchor linking.