All Tabs Showing on Mobile View

For some reason, only on my mobile (Portrait) view, the tabs are showing all of the content instead of it being hidden. The problem is located on my Products Template Page

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please look at my read only link to see what I am referring too.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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Hello @nssdesigns

Your read-only link is not working. Can you share it again? :webflow_heart:

Fixed the Link. Thank You

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Where I can find the tabs? :webflow_heart: Ou I see

Hm that’s strange. For some reason when I click on the tab content I get an error. You can try creating the tabs again. The setup is not so hard. Use the same classes and try again.

Yes i get the same error. It happens every time now. I have already tried recreating it yesterday and the same thing happened.

Very Strange

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