AdWords Conversions imported from Analytics are shown as not set (not assigned to the campaign)

Hi guys,

I got a problem with my AdWords conversion tracking since 21st of March.

Any idea what might be wrong?

Current Setup & Problem:

Google Analytics account is connected with Adwords Account – and vice versa.

Google Universal Analytics ID is implemented and working.

Google Analytics Conversions are set up and working perfectly in “conversions section”.

BUT: 98% of conversions in the “acquisition > campaign section” are set as “not set”! In this section clicks are assigned correctly to the AdWords campaigns, but only very few conversions are assigned to a campaign – most are shown as “not set”.

Google Analytics Conversions are imported into Google Adwords.

BUT: Same error as in Analytics. Only few conversion are assigned to a campaign – most are shown as “not set”.

Analytics shows the following error, but I only have one AdWords and one Analytics account and both are linked to each other.

“View [All Website Data] is receiving AdWords traffic from an unlinked AdWords account.

If Analytics receives data from an unlinked AdWords account, then that data is labeled (not set) in reports. Consequently, when analyzing these reports, you will not be able to attribute data to the correct AdWords account.

In order to have your views correctly receive AdWords attribution data, you need to link the appropriate AdWords accounts to your Analytics property, and then select views in which you want to be able to see the data.

To link AdWords accounts to your Analytics property, have the AdWords account owner click the Admin link in Analytics to get to the administrator settings page, click AdWords Linking in the Property column, and then either create a new link group, or edit an existing group and link the appropriate accounts.

To have views use the AdWords link, click Link Configuration in the same location and select the views in which AdWords data should be available.”

Thanks ;),

I just realized that I have the same problem on multiple webflow sites.

Since March, 21st most ad words conversions are not assigned to a campaign, but shown as “(not set)”.

Did you change anything on March 20th/21st?


Any errors in Search Console?

Nope - everything seems to be perfect …

OK, I can’t speak on the Webflow side or things, just AdWords. Do you have more than one AdWords campaign running? If so, check for mis-match cross-references in all your campaigns.


Yes I have >30 campaigns running …

What do you mean with “mis-match cross-reference”?

OK, I can’t help troubleshoot or explain the mis-match cross reference on 30 campaigns from outside your account anyway, so I can’t even get into that.

Are you using AdWords to track campaign tagging in Google Analytics (GA) or UTM codes or both?


Sorry to revive this old topic. :pleading_face:
This might be the same case I’m dealing with. We are currently using the auto-tagging option in Google Ads which uses non-reserved URL characters, capitalized letters and underscores when it generates a unique gclid tracking parameter. My Analytics report (Acquisition → Google Ads) shows zero sessions on my defined campaigns, all shown sessions are assigned to (not set) campaign.

Would it be better to manually tag landing page URL using UTM parameters? I can’t find anything about this on Webflow forum or blog sites. Is there some workaround?