Accordion animation set to affect all classes, but will only work on item in list

Hey everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster!

I’m working on building out an accordion for a clients FAQ section and I cannot get the trigger div to affect the content div for all the affected classes. The interaction on the first FAQ block works perfectly, but the remaining FAQ blocks are not working at all. For the remaining FAQ blocks, as I hover over the trigger, it seems the cursor changes from normal arrow cursor to pointer cursor like the site is noticing that there is a trigger (where it should be), but if you click it, nothing is happening.

Can someone help me out here? It’s the final thing I have to finish before I can submit this project to my client. About to pull my hair out.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Here is my public share link:

Hi @cameronhedrick , did you found the solution ? i do have the same problem… Thank you in advance for your help :wink: Here is the read only link and the accordion is at the bottom of the page :