404 errors with in-page linking

I believe I have a big problem with 404s and Webflow’s in-page linking. My Google Analytics shows a high number of 404s, but we eliminated every possibility of a dead end.

I then came across a url from a colleague that had UTMs & GClid elements and I think here is the error. the in-page linking is attached to the normal link via a “#” and when looking at the tracking link I see that the tracking parameters split the link in half.

In-page linking: regular-url#in-page-item
Tracking link: regular-url?UTM#in-page-item

And hence it is leading to a 404 because the tracking breaks the in-page link. Any idea how to solve this issue??

Here is an example link, where the tracking breaks it apart:

As you noted the link you shared isn’t valid, it contains an &gclid param before the ? query param begins.

Where are you finding the link? Since it contains UTM params, campaign ID, my first guess is that is a Google Ad click, and is generated by a URL template in GAds. Check that, you may have an error in that setup that’s creating your malformed link.