2 new sites launched!

Hey friends,

Heco just launched a couple new sites we’re super excited about. Just want to share and say a huge thanks to anyone that helped us in the forums (whether you knew it or not) that we rely on so much. <3

West Studio - Site for a killer concept art studio in LA. So fun to work with such great art assets. Lots of fun details to explore. The deep project and image tagging and search on this site really pushed Webflow to the limits for us. Was definitely a lot of learning here.

JoinClyde.com - We did a brand refresh and Webflow site design for a company that’s rethinking product protection plans. Truly one of the best clients we’ve ever worked with.

Hope you guys dig! Would love any feedback you have. I’ll share the project pages if anyone’s interested.


Actually i’ll go ahead and share the project pages:




Awesome work @helmsmith! I am really digging the Clyde website.

Some things I specifically think are great:

  • use of the colored ribbons for aesthetic detail
  • dropdown styling on the nav
  • the detail in interactions - for example hovering over cards and the graphic movement on load for the coverage page
  • documentation layout
  • scrolling mask on the phone is awesome

I don’t have much feedback on anything I dislike, but here’s a couple in an effort to be constructive:

  • I am not a fan of chat popups
  • It seems odd this isn’t centered or in line with the inputs items above

Great work, keep it up!

Great job @helmsmith :webflow_heart:

Here > https://www.joinclyde.com/ > the CTA button looks strange. The text is not centered. I will make the top padding like the bottom > 6px

