100vh height doesn't work


I’ve got a div with height 100vh but the div doesn’t occupy the full height of the browser viewport! But what’s more “funny” is that this happens only int the blog post template page!

How is that?


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @Mauricio_C_G_Pereira,

Thank you so much for getting in touch about the height of your div element, and I’m happy to help!

Currently, I am unable to reproduce what you’re experiencing, as you may note in the following short screencapture: Screen Recording 2018-10-30...

Would you be able to note the exact div element? I’d be happy to take a look for you.

Thanks in advance, and I’ll be standing by to help. :nerd_face:

Hello @mistercreate, sorry, my mistake! :slight_smile:

it’s the divFooterContainer from the Blog Post template page.


Hi @Mauricio_C_G_Pereira,

It seems that the problem come from the top margin of you logoHP div.
I’m not exactly sure why on this but you could wrap it into another div and set some top and bottom padding on it instead of margin on logoHP.

Hope it helps you.


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