100 vw in Tabs Menu

I can’t seem to figure out why the red bar in the ons park page is creating a horizontal scroll. It’s 100vw with a max width of 100%. Could anybody please take a look and help me. I’m kinda losing it here… Thanks in advance.


Update these two sections to this spec and that should fix it @TimSijtema

This didn´t fix it. It only made the FAQ box bigger. Still got a horizontal scroll bar… :frowning:

Are you reffering to mobile portrait?

No I’m referring to desktop preview

From what I can tell you don’t have overflowing content on desktop, can you screenshot the issue?

Using vw is a bit wonky in general. Tried using 100% instead?

https://fec-otium.webflow.io/ons-park is you look at the published one you can see that you can scroll at the bottom.

I’ve seemed to have fixed it, thanks for the suggestions.