1 single form but 2 different Form IDs

Hello, I have a funnel on my website company :

I’m using Make (Integromat) to trigger new submission and send confirmation email. I noticed that I got quite randomly 2 different Form IDs (66966110ca77640c04990aa5 and 664dd9ccf91f33472850e3c3) for this same funnel form.

Here I want to make sure that it’s a normal behavior? Or if it’s quite an issue to fix, and how to fix?

Thank you for your help

Form ID isn’t in the HTML, I think it’s an internal descriptor that Webflow uses to virtually group data.

My guess is that you added / removed / renamed / reordered some fields in your form so submissions, or changed the form Name, and after that submissions would be represented internally attached to a different virtual schema.

e.g. it was Name, Email, now it’s Name, Email, Phone.

I haven’t investigated it, but I’d expect that Form ID number to stay the same until you change the form.

For automation purposes it’s probably not valuable, I use the form name to identify different forms.

Thank you @memetican I have to admit that it’s not very clear, I will contact Webflow support.

As an instance, I checked before posting this answer, among the 20-25 last funnel submissions, only 1 got 664dd9ccf91f33472850e3c3 FormID.
Unfortunately, I haven’t found any logical patterns to identify the issue.